Sabrina is a normal teenager.  She goes to school. She loves sports. She especially loves her friends. But, she doesn’t tolerate injustice. Bean doesn’t mind doing what is right to take care of something or someone that she believes in. Bean is always up for a challenge, especially when she can make a difference. 

Production is January 23  to 26th, and tickets are now available for purchase.

Cypress Moon Studios and The Full Moon Players Proudly Present an original play entitled “Call Me Bean.” The play is written and directed by Tonya Holly and assisted directed by Matt Bryant. Based on the book “Call Me Bean” written by James Mossor. The story follows the life of Sabrina as she faces the challenges of being a teenager and takes on the adventures of High School. Everyone remembers High School! A pilot will be filmed in the Shoals soon after the play premiers. The pilot will be pitched as a possible TV series. The author, James Mossor, will be available for questions at the play with copies of his book for sale. Video Credits:

  • Written, Directed, and Produced by Tonya Holly
  • Cinematographer – Lily Holly Retherford
  • Assistant Camera and Assistant Director – Matt Bryant
  • Video Editor – Jacob Adams
  • Locations and Production Assistant – Autumn Blasingame
  • Filmed at Central High School, Florence, Alabama
  • Special thanks to Principal Duane Keener

⁃ “Bean” is portrayed by Marlee Sullivan ⁃ Cast is the original cast from the play “Call Me Bean” at Cypress Moon Studios

“Call Me Bean” opens January 23-26. Tickets are $15.00 in advance and $20.00 at the door. Please visit for tickets or call 256-335-6961! We hope to see you there!